We are delighted to welcome you to Christ Victorious Ministries a public power ministry, proclaiming the light of the world, Jesus Christ the Son of the living God to the poor, and the broken hearted, the grace by which He works in the heart of men is a grace of healing, deliverance and illumination, and causes them to pass from sickness to health, from slavery to liberty, from darkness to light and from the lowest degree of misery to supreme eternal happiness.

Know that you have come to the right place and the God of this great commission will not disappoint you.

Whatever your situation or circumstances know that Jesus has overcome for you, He said ‘Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world’ (John 16: 33).

Jesus said ‘come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest’ (Matt 11: 28) Jesus wants to give you rest from labouring under the yoke of the enemy. ‘Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ (1Petet 5: 7) Jesus cares for you and that is what this commission is all about.

You need to trust Him and commit your heart wholeheartedly to the Lord.

God bless you.